Ask the Diet Doctor: Coconut Oil Vs. Coconut Butter

Q: How is coconut butter different from coconut oil? Does it deliver the same nutritional benefits? A: Coconut oil is currently a very popular oil for cooking and arguably the go-to fat source for Paleo diet devotees. Coconut oil spinoffs have also gained popularity,...

Ask the Diet Doctor: Changing Your Diet with the Season

Q: Should I change my diet as the seasons change? A: Actually, yes. Your body undergoes changes as the seasons change. The differences of periods of light and darkness that occur have profound effects on our circadian rhythms. In fact, research shows that we have...

7 Fat Loss Foods that Make Your Life Easier

There’s an old saying: “Abs are made in the kitchen.” But perhaps the following statement is more accurate: “Abs are destroyed in the kitchen!” And at the drive-thru. And anywhere else you get your food. That’s because when it comes to your diet, there’s a...

How can I eat out and still get lean?

Home-cooked meals are becoming a thing of the past. The USDA estimates that 43 percent of meals are now eaten away from the home. That’s not great news for those among that 43 percent who are trying to get lean or maintain their physique. You need to be well equipped...