“How much protein is too much?”

“How much protein is too much?”

Ever wondered how much protein you need to maximize your muscle-building goals, or when you should eat it? The Macro Manger lays down the law. Q. How much protein is too much? Is there such a thing, and can it hinder my muscle-building goals? Great question! This...

3 Meal Replacement Shakes to Fuel Your Day

This summer, the people at Men’s Heath and Pure Protein had me come to the Rodale Farms, in Emmaus, PA for the day to shoot videos of three of my favorite shakes for helping people get quick, quality, and nutrient-packed meals at breakfast, post workout, and for...

Stage 4 Surges & Maximizing Your Winners

In regards to health and weight loss, what is everyone’s actual goal? Lose the weight AND keep it off. The ‘lose the weight’ part is easy. It is the ‘keep is off’ part that isn’t. The scientific community, nutrition community, and fitness community have all been...