Ask the Diet Doctor: Is Dairy Healthy?

Ask the Diet Doctor: Is Dairy Healthy?

Q: What’s the deal with dairy? I’ve heard so many different things! A: Milk, despite being a dietary staple for a very long time, does have its controversial side: On the one hand, you hear that milk and dairy are good sources of calcium, so you should...
Ask the Diet Doctor: The Power of Probiotics

Ask the Diet Doctor: The Power of Probiotics

Q: Should I take a probiotic supplement? A: The bacterial landscape of your digestive track is in a constant state of flux due to a variety of factors such as diet, stress, medication, and more, many of which we don’t fully appreciate. Click here to read this article...
Ask the Diet Doctor: Benefits of Plant Waters

Ask the Diet Doctor: Benefits of Plant Waters

Q: Are there any health benefits to the new wave of water alternatives? A: Thanks to the booming popularity of coconut water, many new twists on plain old H20 have arrived at grocery stores, positioning themselves as alternatives to traditional sports drinks and...
Ask the Diet Doctor: Restoring Electrolytes

Ask the Diet Doctor: Restoring Electrolytes

Q: Do I really need to drink electrolytes after working out? A: It depends on the duration and intensity of your workout, but most people’s regular workouts aren’t intense enough to need electrolytes immediately after exercise. Click here to read this...
Ask the Diet Doctor: Maca Root Powder

Ask the Diet Doctor: Maca Root Powder

Q: What’s the deal with maca powder? A: Maca is a plant from the Andes that is of the mustard family. It was used traditionally in South America to treat infertility and imbalances in female hormones, and has since made its way onto health food store shelves and...