Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are an incredible nutrient dense food. Evidence of Brussels sprouts being grown and eaten in Belgium dates back to the late 1500’s. Brussels sprouts are of the same plant lineage as cabbage and broccoli (the Brassicaceae family), meaning that...

White Bean Turkey Chili

As the weather is getting colder here in Central Pennsylvania, it is signaling me that it is chili season. Chilis and Stews are some of my favorite dishes. They are great from a food preparation standpoint as you can make a big pot at hte beginning of the week and...

Sesame Ginger Salad Dressing

This is a great sesame ginger salad dressing that I like to make; it goes perfect with my Ginger Napa Cabbage salad. This dressing is loaded with health promoting compounds: Ginger – Has been used in traditional medicine for years to promote healthy digestion...

3 Lean Body Secrets No One Has Told You

I’ve said this before…weight loss is easy. It is keeping the weight off that is difficult. The difficulty is due to the fact that maintaining a lean body over the long haul has little to do with grams of protein, fish oil, or block peroidization of...