Does Your Metabolism Tank When You Lose Weight


Losing weight has become synonymous with being healthy, and decades of diet and fitness trends as well as weight loss programs support this idea. The general idea a lot of programs and websites tell you is you only need to increase your metabolism to lose weight. It sounds about right until you realize we have a lot of people who go on all these crazy weight loss programs, lose a ton of weight, only to have it all come back a few years later.

Does our metabolism tank after losing weight, or is it just a myth?

In this episode, I share the findings of a recently published study about the effects of weight loss on our metabolism. I discuss the reasons why drastic weight loss leads not just to weight rebounds, but also hormonal repercussions. I describe the case of another study involving participants of a popular weight loss show and its mind-blowing findings. I also provide some tips on how you can lose and maintain weight without any metabolic consequences.


“How you choose your behaviors is going to impact how your metabolism changes.” – Mike Roussell


This week on the Dr. Mike Show:

  • Our resting metabolic rate and how it affects energy expenditure.
  • How weight loss changes our metabolic rate.
  • Adaptive Thermogenesis and why it makes weight loss efforts difficult.
  • What a 2016 Biggest Loser study tells us about the effects of drastic weight loss on our body composition.
  • How you can prevent your metabolism from slowing down after weight loss.
  • The importance of knowing the type of study done to understand the research.
  • Why body composition should not be glossed over when it comes to weight loss studies.



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Be sure grab your copy of the book Men’s Health The MetaShred Diet: Your 29-Day Rapid Fat-Loss Plan. Simple. Effective. Amazing.  join the LeanOS fitness coaching program, or visit our website for even more tips and strategies to quickly and effectively lose weight while optimizing your health, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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