Troubleshooting Weight Loss #1: Focus on What Works


One of the questions that I always ask during my initial assessment/meeting with clients that is relevant to this discussion is:

“What has worked for you in the past?”

I always ask this question because everyone of my clients is unique in their likes, dislikes, dietary habits, and dietary history. This is a very good question to initiate a discussion of these things so that I can better understand what will be the initial plan of action for us. Finding out what quality strategies (no excessive cardio and starvation plans allowed!) has previously worked for clients also gives me solid starting place for our initial set of habits to work on.

How does this help you and how can you apply it?

Whenever you find yourself in a place where your body weight is not moving and you would like it to – go to what works.

Go back to the basics.

Oftentimes we can get unknowingly lulled away from our core set of effective habits by the seductive Sirens of diet fads and shiny object fitness trends. This can hurt our focus and implementation of healthy habits.

Forget about that stuff for a minute.

Forget about coconut oil miracles, carb cycling, and the new spin/yoga fusion classes near your office.

What do you do really well with your diet (and exercise program)?

Do that.

Less variety.

Less flash.

More Singular focus on what has helped you get the best results.

Going to bed by 9:30pm – do it.

Cutting out alcohol – do it.

Working with a training partner – find one.

Eating a protein rich breakfast everyday – plan it and execute.

I have found that one of the reasons clients stop losing weight is because they have lost focus. Weight loss, and subsequently weight maintenance, is a game of attrition. If you don’t give up, you’ll eventually get there.

And when you are stuck and don’t know how to get started again – the best thing you can do is go back to what you know works…and work it for all you can.

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