Ask the Diet Doctor: Hangover Cures

Ask the Diet Doctor: Hangover Cures

Q: Can taking a B-vitamin supplement help you overcome a hangover? A: When a few too many glasses of wine last night leave you with a throbbing headache and a nauseous feeling, you’d probably give anything for a quick-fix hangover cure. Click here to read this article...
Ask the Diet Doctor: How Much Should I Stand for Weight Loss?

Ask the Diet Doctor: How Much Should I Stand for Weight Loss?

We’ve been told that we sit too much, but there is one time of the day when it’s best to stay off your feet. Q: Okay, I get it: I should sit less and stand more. But what about at mealtime—is it better to sit or stand while I eat? A: You are correct that most people...
Ask the Diet Doctor: Should I Soak Nuts, Seeds, and Grains?

Ask the Diet Doctor: Should I Soak Nuts, Seeds, and Grains?

The answer may help you absorb more nutrients from snacks and meals. Q: Do I need to soak nuts, seeds, and grains before eating them to remove anti-nutrients? A: Soaking these foods in water for 12 is 24 hours is a common strategy to reduce their phytic acid content....
Ask the Diet Doctor: Post-Workout Antioxidants

Ask the Diet Doctor: Post-Workout Antioxidants

Q: Is it true that it’s important to consume antioxidants after a workout in order to reduce inflammation? A: No, as counterintuitive as it is, post-workout antioxidants can actually be detrimental to your fitness progress. Click here to read this article at...
The Ultimate Halloween Candy Guide

The Ultimate Halloween Candy Guide

While making it through October without eating candy is doable, there’s no reason to completely deprive yourself. It’s just best to go for treats that give you the most bang (that is, nutrition value) for your calorie buck. Click here to read this article at...