Top 25 Highest Polyphenol Rich Foods

Ground cloves aren’t just good for flavoring spiced pumpkin cake Often times foods are talked about in regards to their antioxidant content. Eat this as it is full of antioxidants Antioxidants, as a class, are very hyped in the media/health arena but the term...

Making Smart Carbohydrate Choices for Long Term Weight Loss

Last week a very large weight loss maintenance study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This study spanned 8 countries and enrolled 938 people. I’ll write more about the study in the near future but I wanted to mention it today as the main...

Weight Loss Road Block – Metabolic Overcompensation

In the latest issue of Strong, Fit, & Healthy, I shared with Naked Nutrition Insiders some really interesting research surrounding the decrease in your metabolic rate that occurs with weight loss and how they can minimize it. Today I wanted to pull some more from...

Your Mind is Continuing to Sabotage Your Weight Loss Efforts

Just a week or so ago I wrote about how there are lot of different factors that influence how much you eat during the course of a meal. In this post, I shared with you research on eating with other people and how who you eat with and the number of people that you eat...

Body Transformation Roadmap

So I’ve been a little delayed with technical problems for the release of the new Naked Nutrition Insider. But every will get fixed this weekend so we’ll be a go on Monday. In the meantime I wanted to share with you the featured article from...