In this next post in Boost Weight Loss series, I wanted to continuing building on our discussion of accountability audits with some great advice from a friend of mine and trainer to the stars, Joe Dowdell. Joe does a lot of work with high profile movers and shakers (his gym was featured on VH1 – see below) who are very busy (aren’t we all though?) and have lots of excuses (like most of us) on why they don’t have time to workout or eat right. Here is Joe’s advice on how to make the time to workout.
Schedule your workouts like appointments. Put them right into your calendar like you would any other meeting. One of the things I hear most often is that people are too busy to make it to the gym, you pencil in a haircut in order to make that happen, right? Do the same with your workouts – even if you don’t have a trainer, schedule it in. Same goes for meals. Many of my patients simply get too busy and forget to eat. Schedule in those 5 small meals per day – and your workout – so you are reminded to take care of yourself.
Are you scheduling your workouts and meals on your calendar? If so, are you honoring them like your would a meeting with your boss or colleagues? Take a minute to schedule in all your workouts for the rest of the month (d0 it now) and see how many more training sessions you do. I recent read a statistic from a Men’s Health survey that said you are 40% more likely to workout when it is scheduled. Schedule your workouts.
Here’s is the video I mentioned:
Top Tips From Top Trainers [Better by Dr. Brooke]