Stage 4 Surges & Maximizing Your Winners

In regards to health and weight loss, what is everyone’s actual goal? Lose the weight AND keep it off. The ‘lose the weight’ part is easy. It is the ‘keep is off’ part that isn’t. The scientific community, nutrition community, and fitness community have all been...

3 More Ways to Help Control Appetite

Today I’m going to continue on with sharing with you some of the ways that Naked Nutrition folks on Facebook control their appetites. 5. Sugar Free Gum – While often laughably touted on the TV show The Biggest Losers as the ultimate weight loss secret,...

4 Ways to Help Control Appetite

Sometimes you just need to eat less. While I do everything possible in my writings and research to find ways to help you eat more food, still lose weight, improve your health, there is a limit to this. If you are not losing weight and want to lose 5, 10, or 15lbs you...

Overlooked Weight Loss Factors Pt 1: Eating with Others

There is always a lot of talk about diet and exercise when it comes to weight loss. Certain ratios of protein and carbohydrates seem to be important. Whether or not you need to be doing 4, 10, or 20 minute metabolic workouts is currently a much talked about topic....