4 Quick High Protein Breakfasts

4 Quick High Protein Breakfasts

Eating a high protein breakfast is the simplest way that you can set the stage for metabolic success during the day. Unfortunately, many people need convenience and feel handicapped by traditional breakfast choices that are carbohydrate-dominate, like cereals and...
Ask the Diet Doctor: Healthy High-Protein Breakfasts

Ask the Diet Doctor: Healthy High-Protein Breakfasts

Q: When I just don’t have the time (or motivation) to eat a balanced breakfast at home, what are some healthy options that I can and take to go? A: Breakfast is an extremely important meal. It sets the stage nutritionally for the day, and eating protein at breakfast...
5 Breakfasts You Can Make on Sunday, but Eat All Week

5 Breakfasts You Can Make on Sunday, but Eat All Week

A healthy, protein-packed breakfast fills your belly, fuels your muscles, and energizes your body. But who has time to cook one before work? Heck, you barely have time to grab a granola bar as you sprint out the door. Click here to read this article at...
6 Ways to Get 30 grams of Protein at Breakfast

6 Ways to Get 30 grams of Protein at Breakfast

Protein should be a central part of every meal. As Dr. Mike noted in a previous post, you may be sick of hearing about the benefits protein at this point, but even though you know the benefits of protein, you might not be consuming it in a way that will maximize your...