#SleeptoPerform Series Introduction


In this introductory video I take you through an overview of everything that we’ll be covering in this video series. I also talk about the Epworth Sleepiness test and how you can use it as a quick way to determine if you need to be getting more sleep. Side note: Youtube must be messing with me making that screenshot the splash image for the video!! 🙂

#SleeptoPerform Series

  1. Introduction Video
  2. Stages of Sleep
  3. Sleep and Weight Loss
  4. Sleep and Performance
  5. Benefits of Napping
  6. More Restful Sleep Tips & Tricks

Click Here to Take The Epworth Sleepiness Test

Thanks to the sponsor of this series, Technogel. FitFluential LLC compensated me for this Campaign. All opinions are my own.

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