6 Muscle-Building Snacks You Can Make with Protein Powder


Ignite muscle growth all day and stay lean with these flavorful, protein-packed snacks. Protein is superfuel for your body. It repairs your muscle fibers after a lifting session, providing the raw material that helps them grow bigger when you’re trying to gain size. But besides building muscle, protein helps keep you lean because it’s satiating—so you’re likely to eat less and feel more satisfied. Plus, if you’re trying to lose weight, it helps protect your hard-earned muscle from being used as energy.

Click here to read more of my article at menshealth.com

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EP001 – The Best Way to Cut Carbs, Easy Breakfast Meals, and Protein Powder for Kids

EP001 – The Best Way to Cut Carbs, Easy Breakfast Meals, and Protein Powder for Kids

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Dr. Mike Show with I’m joined by my co-host Chris Dominello for a Key Topic/QnA episode. The key topic we discuss is the Hierarchy of Carbohydrates. I then answer reader questions about breakfast, protein powder for kids, and using protein powders to build more muscle.